This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers.
This month I embarked upon my 31st month of diapering. It's been a wild ride filled with fluffy bums, messes, research, lots of laundry and a hefty dose of trial and error. Diapering children definitely has a learning curve - one I still seem to be figuring out most days!
At 9 months, Max has been much easier than his sister in the diapering department. No rashes, rarely leaking and an overall pro when it comes to regularly pooing. Or "pooting" as Jemma has started calling it :) I assumed he would be a chunky baby like Jemma - he was - which made all of our cloth diapers fit well and the second go around of most adventures, diapers included, seem to have less bumps.
But, it may not always be easy with Max. Toddler diapering with Jemma has been a whole new ball game. For one, we talk about diapers and poo and pee way more than a normal person should. Dare I say a sign of potty learning interest? But most of all, we've struggled with leaks. Around her second birthday something in her switched (or maybe matured) and instead of trickle baby pee, she started emptying every drop in her bladder in one fell swoop. No matter the brand/type/style of cloth she was in, I inevitably ended up with not only a wet girl, but a wet stroller or car seat too. I amped up her diapers with doublers and hemp - no luck. It's almost like she pees so quickly with such force the cloth diaper literally can't absorb fast enough and it spills out the sides. These is the graphic reality of my life. I've succumbed to calculating the rate in which my daughter pees and what material can best retain the flood. Kind of sounds like physics, which, might I add, is the only science class I've ever earned an A in.
So, what to do, what to do?
To bide our time until she eagerly runs to the potty (which is a whole other post of its' own on why I'm choosing not to force potty learning on my time frame) we've started cloth diapering Jemma part-time. For long outings and night time she is currently wearing a disposable. And let me tell you ... after my months of research and experience with cloth diapers, disposables are a whole other thing to learn! We've tried some green options, some pretty patterns and deluxe brands specifically for heavy wetters - there are perks about each, but when it comes to night time we've had 0 (as in z-e-r-o) leaks with Parent's Choice Overnight Baby Diapers. Winner! Plus, you can't beat the price.

Night time protection for babies is an important
consideration for parents as their little one grows. Ordinary diapers
may not have enough absorbent capacity to handle multiple voids over
long periods of time with older babies. When wet mornings become the
norm, parents start looking for more protection to guard against
overnight leaks.
Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers are super absorbent for overnight and long-trip protection. This is an overnight diaper at prices that everyone can afford!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers.
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